Growing Hope: Emattan’s Journey in Building a life-sustaining Aquaponics Farm in Haiti

Using some of the genius from Aztec agriculture, Emattan partnered with Haiti Endowmnet to build an aquaponics farm. This type of farming holds immense potential for Haiti, especially given the challenging natural and agricultural conditions the country faces. Haiti grapples with issues such a soil erosion, deforestation, and unreliable access to freshwater resources, making traditional farming methods less viable. This is where initiatives like aquaponics farming make a significant impact.

Emattan’s dedication to help build such a farm in Haiti not only addresses environmental challenges, but also offers a lifeline to local communities. Moreover, it creates economic opportunities, empowering Haitians to generate income while promoting agricultural resilience.

At this location, the Haitians were having a difficult time keeping their seedlings alive because a beetle in the soil would eat them. The aquaponics beds gave the seedlings a haven from this pest, and the plants could develop to a larger size that the beetles wouldn’t damage. They were able to grow lots of legume trees to help bring nitrogen and health into the soils.


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