Our Core Values


Provision for the people to access those resources necessary to their existence

These properties will be a place to empower people, offering renewing provisions as a result of their own doing 

— not as something imported that can run out to leave them empty handed later on.

We want to create opportunity where people can obtain a high quality of life.

Widows and Orphans

As we care for people, we have a special place for widows and orphans, for those who need extra help.


Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply

When we cooperate with nature, we join the symbiotic relationships in nature’s network (the waste from one process is the fuel for another). The resources life needs, renews in nature, including the resources we need to thrive.

It is important for us to protect this process, and to design in ways that connect and cooperate with these symbiotic relationships.

Appreciation for life

As we observe and work with different forms of life cycles, we gain an appreciation for life. As we gain an appreciation for life, we value ourselves, each other, and the different forms life takes. In this we honor an environment of cooperation and gain a communal abundance.


By managing our own needs, we can set resources aside to care for people and care for nature.

We must remember, we are not only producing resources for people, but for the land we are caring for. We must take care of the land because it is the network within the land that is taking care of the people. We can make sure that all life is taken care of by stewarding our own needs. We can manage our needs with two principles.

  1. Leave any natural system undisturbed unless a need arises.

  2. With the awareness of our need, we make effort to minimize waste, replenish lost minerals, conduct energy evaluations, and assess adverse consequences on society. Then we act to buffer these effects.

Setting Limits

We cannot feed everyone, but to avoid being limited we have a requirement for each community. Once the land reaches their full resource output, they will use their profits to open two new regenerative properties. With this strategy, the communities can grow to be able to care for each other.


By teaching each other we can create a multi-generational paradigm of care for life.

Nature happens in procession that takes generations. A forest matures for hundreds of years. If the process that gives us our resources takes multiple generations to produce larger yields, then we need to teach the other generations to take care of this procession, so that they can thrive.

We protect our values, experience, and knowledge to care for people and for nature by passing it along to our children.


Knowledge is one of our most precious resources that we can share with each other. This is why we will also provide vocational training and skill for adults.